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Introduction to Audio Courses courses are grouped into 25 lessons and follow a progressive, grammar-based or function-based curriculum. Each lesson is centered on a grammar point or key phrase and introduces key vocabulary, phrases and cultural insight relevant to the lesson topic.

Each lesson consists of the following: an audio lesson (10-15 minutes long), lesson notes, and supplemental study material on the 101 website.

Lesson Component #1: Audio Lesson

The audio lesson is the key component of our language learning approach. The lessons are in a radio show format and hosted by a native English speaker who has mastered the language and a native speaker of the target language who is experienced in teaching the language. The lesson centers around a short conversation based on a key grammar point or phrase and key vocabulary.

The flow of the lesson is a follows:

  1. Introduction of the topic and focus of the lesson (00:30),
  2. Dialogue (01:00-02:00),
  3. Dialogue slowly (01:30-03:00),
  4. Dialogue with translation (01:30-03:00),
  5. Hosts' insight (00:30-01:00),
  6. Vocabulary (02:00-04:00),
  7. Vocabulary insight (02:00-04:00),
  8. Grammar or key phrase explanation (02:00-04:00).

Students can study with audio lessons at their computers or any device they prefer by downloading the audio lesson and lesson notes. Popular places of study are at home, in the car, on the train, at work and at school.

As mentioned above:

The key methodology behind the Individual Lesson:

  1. Dialogue is based on grammar or key phrase so each lesson the student masters a key concept,
  2. We slow the language down so the students can "tune" their ears to the language while maximizing lesson time in the target language,
  3. Syllable breakdowns of vocabulary words are included,
  4. Explanations from both the host teacher and host learner provide multiple approaches to mastering the target language,
  5. Cultural insight and current vocabulary and topics provide interesting talking points when speaking with native speakers,
  6. Speak-aloud drills encourage students to speak.

Lesson Component #2: Lesson Notes

The lesson notes include a transcript of the conversation, romanization for non-latin languages, translation, vocabulary, sample sentences and a detailed grammar point.

This can be viewed on the site or downloaded for use on a mobile device in addition to a computer or laptop.

Lesson Component #3: Website Learning Tools
Utilizing intelligent learning tools and technology, you have the following features at your fingertips. The following suite of tools guarantees that you will get the most out of any time invested in learning your desired language.

My Word Bank – centralizes collected key vocabulary and phrases important to the student
My Notes – centralize notes and thoughts from lessons and studies
Intelligent Flashcards – use spaced repetition to allow for faster memorization of vocabulary
2000 Core Word List – collection of the most frequently encountered words in the target language by a language learner
Line-by-Line audio with voice recording tool to improve pronunciation – master listening comprehension and practice pronunciation
Audio Practice Lesson – speak aloud with audio track designed for speaking practice
Quizzes to reinforce what students learn Reference Material Section – grammar explanations, helpful hints and basics on the target language

How can a teacher/tutor maximize a student's spoken time by using Innovative Language Learning Courses and lessons?

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