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Video Vocabulary - Italian



Having a large vocabulary is an important key to becoming fluent in a foreign language. Traditional methods of memorizing vocabulary words can be tedious and boring. But with our Video Vocabulary app, we make this monumental task easier and, dare we say, even fun!

How it Works

With the Video Vocabulary app, you'll learn useful vocabulary based on a lot of different themes: food, body parts, weather, clothing, and much more! Learn the spelling and master the pronunciation with native audio. Make sure you're paying attention! A quiz follows each lesson immediately to test your knowledge!


★ Each video lesson is about 3 minutes long. They're short and fun but packed full of useful information
★ Each video uses beautiful images and audio of native speakers to engage your senses and enforce your learning
★ We give you a list of all the vocabulary introduced in the lesson with audio clips
★ We give you example sentences of most vocabulary words with audio
★ The list of videos will automatically update when new video lessons are released
Available in 6 languages
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